Feeling Creative…? How to make dog toys

Looking for some new dog toys?  Put your wallet away and roll up your sleeves and create some diy dog toys at home perfect for engaging in some play time with your canine friend. We have done some research to come up with our guide to home made dog toys 

Bored dog ?….you can make some great sustainable homemade dog toys from things around the house to keep your dog busy and contented. It’s a great DIY project for humans too and won’t cost the earth.

DIY Snuffle Mat 

 A snuffle mat is made specifically to entice dogs into sniffing and foraging. They provide loads of mental stimulation whilst the dog is working out how to get all those treats out and can even encourage slower eating habits. 

Take a look at The Dogs trust brilliant guide to making a snuffle mat at home .

Check out the easy to follow instructions to make this dog snuffle mat with The Dogs Trust

 The Empty Box Challenge 

Boxes, boxes, boxes … who knew they could bring so much joy to our canine friends. Make use of all those cereal boxes, delivery boxes even old toilet / kitchen roll tubes before you recycle them. 

 Just pop in some dog treats inside the old box and tape them up. You can even add in some favourite toys or treats rolled up in some old tea towels to increase the challenge. All the details here at Proud Dog Mom

 DIY Dog Rope Toy

Route through your warbrobe and there’s going to be a few old work out t-shirts that have seen better days. With a little time and creativity you can now give them a new lease of life as a great durable dog rope toy. Brilliant clear instructions from the great permacrafters below.

Hide & Seek Muffin Tin Treat Game

This is a favourite in our house …. it’s quick and easy and so much fun. It only takes a few minute’s to set up and costs almost nothing … whats not to like?  Your dog will find this game entertaining while putting their noses and brains  to use. Keep reading for instructions on how to play! 

Just grab one muffin tray and place some tasty treats in the tray and then hide them by placing the tennis balls over all the muffin cups.  It really is as easy as that! Let your dog get sniffing and find those treats. 

 DIY   The Bottle Crunch Toy

Dogs that love noise will especially go crazy for this home made toy . 

My dog loves the crinkle, crinkle sound that an empty water container makes and this is a super easy dog toy making challenge! Simply get an old plastic water bottle and remove the cap and label and pull the sock over the plastic bottle and tie a knot at the bottle neck side so that none of the bottle is on display . All good to go. 

 DIY Flirt Pole.

 A great outdoors  high energy game for dogs that love to chase like sight hounds. It is also a good game to play to reinforce that ‘ drop it “ cue .

 You don’t need  a huge  amount of items to make this toy so check out all the how-to make and play knowledge in the link below from the brilliant Blue Cross.



**As is the case with any toy, think of your dogs safety first. Supervise your dog when they’re playing with all toys and regularly inspect them for damage and get rid of any toys that are falling apart. You really do no want them to swallow anything harmful.

Let us know how you get on with any of the ideas above plus share any ideas in the comments below.


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